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9 hours ago
TJ21 Media Group

🇺🇸 Today, we honor and remember those affected by the events of September 11. Forever in our hearts. #neverforget See MoreSee Less

🇺🇸 Today, we honor and remember those affected by the events of September 11. Forever in our hearts. #NeverForget
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YouTube, TikTok, Twitch, Livestream, Instagram, Periscope and Facebook Live. These are the networks of tomorrow, and it’s never been easier for brands to meet their audience where they live.

Either you or TJ21 can create the content and we can distribute it. Everywhere. We can share your live video events and campaigns or your stories with the people who mean the most to your brand. TJ21 has the technology to share stories, drive revenue, and create a high-value live streaming experience.

With the industry’s first portable, wireless multi-camera broadcasting platform with 4K post-production support, TJ21 can monitor, record, switch, edit and stream live HD-quality video wirelessly to every live outlet like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Periscope, LinkedIn, Livestream, your website and other RTMP destinations. No more 360p shaky cell phone live videos…

TJ21 can broadcast your event, grand opening, interviews, weddings, sporting events and more with up to 10 cameras LIVE (including live broadcasting from our drone) on your pages. We can place your logos, graphics, names, websites, etc on screen as well.

To learn more, call 574-607-8112 ext 101 or send an email to info@tj21.com!

We also livestream funerals. Ask us more about this!